Fight for You (Kingman Brothers #2) Read online

Page 14

  At first, she wouldn’t agree to come. She had too much work—that’s why she was putting time in on the weekend. But earlier that day in Seattle, a bouquet of white roses, lilies, and purple flowers was delivered to her office along with a big box. Inside of it was the dress, a matching long jacket, shoes, jewelry, and a plane itinerary with instructions and an invite to the birthday party Sophie Jordan was throwing for King.

  Edison and his girlfriend, Neva, had been in the office when the gifts had arrived. Neva had sighed in admiration of the flowers, then squealed over the Meagan Langston designer dress and Sophie’s Originals gold and ruby jewelry. Both had looked at her as if she was crazy not to go and practically shoved her in her car along with the gifts and sent her off to the airport.

  A stylist had been waiting for her on the jet. After a much-needed nap on the way to Richmond, the woman had helped her get ready toward the end of the flight.

  The driver exited the freeway and headed downtown. After three successive turns, he maneuvered the car to a two-story glass-front restaurant.

  The valet opened the passenger door.

  She grabbed her red clutch and grasped the hand that reached in to assist her. Just as one of her red strappy stilettos touched the ground, recognition hit.

  Aiden helped her out of the car. He was jaw-dropping gorgeous dressed in a black-on-black suit, shirt, and tie combination.

  Nervousness made Delanie’s hands shake with a fine tremor. Would he approve of how she looked?

  She shouldn’t have wondered. A slow smile of appreciation lit up his face.

  Her legs grew unsteady. It must have been the new shoes that made her wobbly—not Aiden’s “I can’t wait to seduce your dress off” grin. Yeah, and the moon was made of fairy dust.

  The way he kept staring at her made her flush. “The invite said the party started at seven thirty. I’m so sorry I’m late. Shouldn’t we go inside?”

  “They can wait. I couldn’t pick you up at the airport, so I’m capitalizing on the chance of seeing you now.” Aiden spun her around in a circle.

  The fitted ruby coat was lovely, but truthfully, she couldn’t wait to show off the dress. The bright red color, along with the scallop-necked bodice and the off-the-shoulder short sleeves made the dress festive. Meanwhile, the slim-fitting skirt showed just enough leg to be sexy.

  “You’re beautiful.” He leaned in.

  She held up her clutch, blocking the kiss. “You’ll mess up my lipstick.”

  Aiden chuckled as he swooped around the purse and kissed her on the side of her neck. “Trust me. I’m messing up a lot more than just your lipstick later on.”

  “Not if I mess you up first.” She winked and climbed the stairs with a little more swing in her hips. She didn’t have to turn around to know if he stared. She could feel his gaze trained on her ass like a heat-seeking missile. It wouldn’t hurt to play the game of seduction, especially tonight. It was like a fantasy.

  Aiden caught up with her and opened one of the double doors that led into the dark wood-floored space of the restaurant. A sign on the hostess stand to the right indicated the restaurant was closed to the public due to the private party.

  An attendant near the door took her coat and handed Delanie a coat-check ticket that she tucked in her purse.

  Farther into the space, triangular lampshade-style lights hanging from the white-beamed ceiling illuminated wood chairs, beige-linen-topped tables, and the fifty or more people mingling in the spacious room.

  Aiden placed his hand on the base of her spine, turning her to the right. “Let me introduce you to Sophie.”


  A SMILING, TWENTYSOMETHING woman wearing a tangerine dress wove through tables. “You made it.” Sophie gave Delanie a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “You look absolutely gorgeous.”

  “Thank you! Your jewelry is fabulous, by the way. I had to fight off my assistant’s girlfriend when she saw the pieces.”

  The dark-haired woman blushed. “Thank you.” Sophie brushed the gold and red jeweled bracelet on Delanie’s wrist. “This is from one of my favorite collections. I’m so happy you like it. You’ll have to stop by Meagan’s Loft and see the rest sometime.”

  “I’d love that.”

  Aiden wrapped an arm around Delanie’s waist. “Where’s King and Mom?”

  Sophie shrugged. “They’re here somewhere. Every time I think I see them, they sneak off.” She looked around, then pointed to a small corridor on the left. “There they are.”

  A tall black-haired man wearing a dark suit and blue tie walked beside a striking, fiftysomething woman with light brown hair wearing a fitted emerald dress.

  Nerves made Delanie’s heart rate kick up a notch. What would Aiden’s mother think of her? They’d never met before.

  It was easy to see Aiden in his slim sable-eyed mother. Delanie’s brain short-circuited for a second as she stared at King. His father—the man she never wanted to meet again—was reflected strongly in his features.

  As they came closer, Aiden’s mother smiled broadly. “Delanie, you’re here. I’m Grace. It’s so good to meet you.” She gave Delanie a long, tight hug and whispered, “You have no idea how happy you’ve made my son by showing up tonight.”

  Grace’s genuine welcome encouraged Delanie’s smile of relief. “Thank you. It’s a pleasure to be here.”

  Delanie turned to King, and she couldn’t stop her smile from faltering. For some odd reason, she went in for a handshake as King came in for a loose hug and peck on the cheek. Her hand was squished awkwardly between them. “Hello.”

  A hint of curious amusement lit up his blue eyes. “Hello, Delanie. Glad you could make it. I’ve looked forward to finally meeting you.”

  “Same here.” Aiden’s hand stroking up and down her back calmed Delanie’s embarrassment. “Happy birthday.”

  “Thanks.” King smacked Aiden on the shoulder. “We’re looking forward to Beth signing the contract so we can get started on Echo Pines.”

  Sophie groaned. “Oh no you don’t. I didn’t throw this party so you could stand around and talk business all night.”

  Grace nodded. “Give Delanie a break. She flew all the way here, and you didn’t even offer her a drink before you started badgering her. Not to mention, everyone else is probably ready to eat.”

  King looked to Aiden. “Aren’t you going to say something in my defense?”

  “Sorry.” Aiden chuckled. “You’re on your own. I have my own plans tonight.”

  His hand rested possessively on Delanie’s hip, and a small shiver of excitement moved through her. As happy as she was to be with Aiden at the party, she couldn’t wait for them to continue their own celebration afterward.

  King shook his head. “So much for getting special treatment on my birthday.”

  Sophie took King’s arm and kissed him. “You won’t be getting any of that if you don’t stop griping and say a few words so they can start serving the food.” She looked to Aiden and Delanie. “Follow us. The family table’s up front.”

  Aiden let his mom go first through the tables, then Delanie.

  Self-consciousness came over her as she could feel people staring at her. I don’t belong at the family table. I’m not even Aiden’s serious girlfriend.

  They stopped at a table for five near the bar.

  Delanie was seated between Aiden and Grace.

  Aiden rested his arm on the back of Delanie’s chair and leaned in. “I’ll introduce you around later. I can’t believe Sophie dug up all these people. There’s even a couple of guys we know from prep school here.”

  As Delanie spread a brown cloth napkin on her lap, King and Sophie made their way up front.

  King stood near the bar with Sophie. He tapped a glass and the room grew quiet. “Thank you all for coming out,” he smiled, looking around at everyone gathered in the room. “There’s a lot I could say, but I was told to keep it short. The drinks are good, and the food is even better. And with that said . . . let�
��s eat!”

  The guests clapped in approval.

  King led Sophie to the table and they sat across from Aiden and Delanie.

  The servers took their orders.

  Once the food arrived, Delanie entered into an effortless conversation with Sophie and Grace, while King and Aiden entered into a spirited conversation about football. Two guys at a nearby table leaned over and added their approval or disapproval of teams and players into the discussion.

  Every now and then, Aiden checked in and gave Delanie a gentle nudge and a smile.

  Surprisingly, among his family, even King, she felt . . . comfortable.

  After the plates were cleared, an attractive twentysomething woman with platinum-streaked dark hair stopped by the table. A formfitting dark cream dress highlighted her figure and her warm brown skin. She held out her hand to Delanie. “Hi. I’m Meagan Langston.”

  Delanie couldn’t help but return Meagan’s friendly smile. “I love my dress.”

  “Thank you. Aiden has good taste and he even got your size correct. He was right, we didn’t need the extra dresses I made him load on the plane, just in case.” She smiled at Aiden. “Sophie hired a DJ for this. Are you ready to dance?”

  Delanie looked to Aiden. “You dance?” Tonight was full of surprises.

  Aiden looked at her over the rim of a glass half full of gin and tonic. “Maybe after another one of these.” He took a sip and set the glass on the table.

  Delanie slid the glass closer to him. “In that case, drink up. I want to watch.”

  Meagan laughed. “I like you a lot.” She patted Aiden on the shoulder before she walked away. “See you on the dance floor.”

  Hints of humor lightened Aiden’s hazel eyes as he stared at Delanie. “You do realize the dancing part includes you too?”

  She gave him an exaggerated shrug. “Do I look like I’m worried?” She just hadn’t danced in a few long years . . . especially in super high heels. But none of that could happen until after she visited the ladies’ room. She excused herself. Aiden rose to escort her. “I’m fine.”

  In the bathroom, more than one woman complimented Delanie on her dress and jewelry. In between the thank-yous, she managed to touch up her lipstick. She’d never received this much attention for her clothes. As she walked back to join Aiden, Delanie paused just outside the dining area.

  Stolen away for the weekend, pampered to attend an intimate birthday celebration . . . no one had ever done that for her before. When she and Aiden were together years ago, they hadn’t done typical relationship things, like going on dates and spending time with each other’s families. They’d just spent stolen nights together in the cabin. Is this what I’ll experience dating him? she wondered. Had she decided to date him? Is that what coming here meant?

  Aiden was engaged in a conversation with a middle-aged couple. When he spotted Delanie, he disengaged himself and came her way. His height made him naturally stand out from the crowd. How sexy he looked in his tailored suit. The self-assuredness he exuded even snagged the attention of some women, who craned their necks for a better view.

  Delanie couldn’t stop an emerging smile. Stare all you want, ladies. He’s mine.

  As Aiden came closer, his gaze roamed over her from her head to her high heels. He circled behind her. “If you plan on hiding from me back here, that won’t happen.”

  “I’m not hiding. Just taking in the scene.”

  Warmth and the spice, musk, and amber of his cologne surrounded her along with his arms. “I missed you.” He nuzzled and kissed the side of her neck. “I can’t wait to get you home.”

  “Yeah, but not until after you dance for me.”

  “And then?”

  “Who knows?” His lips brushing near her ear raised shivers. Making love all night, breakfast in the morning, then back to bed? Delanie’s pulse picked up with the thought of all the possibilities.

  “What we do doesn’t matter to me, as long as it involves me having you tonight.” The stroke of Aiden’s hand along the curve of her waist awakened nerve endings to memories of sexual pleasure. “And tomorrow.” He brought her against him and his erection pressed to her lower back. “And the day after that, I’m fine with it.”

  Want simmered inside her. She’d have to give Edison a raise for convincing her he could assume a few extra responsibilities so she could not just take the weekend off but Monday as well. “I’m good with that.”

  The servers wheeled out a large white cake ablaze with candles near the family table. The restaurant filled with applause, whistles, and teasing taunts for King.

  “Guess we should get back to our seats.” She went to move.

  Aiden held her in place. “King actually banished my mother and me from the table. He’s nervous.”


  “Watch. You’ll see.”

  King stood by the cake. “This is way too much fire for me to handle on my own.”

  “As much hot air as you put out on a regular basis?” A guy yelled out. “That should be easy.”

  Everyone laughed.

  King grinned. “Yeah, keep laughing. Your day will come. Honestly, I want Sophie to help me. Without her, this moment wouldn’t have happened, along with a lot of special things in my life.”

  Laughs turned to aahs as Sophie joined him and took his hand. On three, Sophie and King blew out the candles.

  Sophie continued to stare at the cake. She raised a hand to cover her mouth that was agape.

  It became obvious what she saw written in the icing when King dropped to one knee. He stared up at her. “Sophie Marie Jordan—will you marry me?”

  The crowd grew silent from surprise and anticipation.

  Delanie’s heart leapt in excitement. How wonderful for Sophie!

  Sophie nodded through her tears.

  King slipped an engagement ring on her finger and everyone clapped and cheered.

  Delanie turned around in Aiden’s arms. “You knew that was going to happen?”

  He grinned. “Yeah, but I still can’t believe it. King taking a knee in front of anyone is like spotting a unicorn in the wild.”

  “News flash. Unicorns don’t exist.”

  “Okay, fine, if unicorns did exist they would be right on par with what just happened. It’s so rare, you don’t want to blink. I’m surprised someone didn’t run over to him because it looked like he was having a heart attack blowing out those candles.”

  A giggle escaped from Delanie. “You’re being really terrible right now.” As she leaned in to kiss him, movement by the door caught her attention. Gerard Kingman? She froze and her breath caught in her throat. Surely, he wasn’t invited. What was he doing there?

  “What?” Aiden glanced over his shoulder and did a double take. Upon seeing his father, he grew rigid. “What the fuck.” He let go of her. As he started to approach Gerard, he glanced to Sophie, King, and their mom, who were preparing for a champagne toast. “They’re going to look for us. Do me a favor? Keep them distracted while I handle him.”

  Aiden stalked off toward Gerard.

  Delanie wove through the crowd. Could Aiden get Gerard out of the restaurant before he caused a scene?

  As she approached Aiden’s family, they smiled at her. Their quizzical expressions all held the same question. Where was Aiden?

  “Congratulations!” Delanie hugged Sophie and kissed her on the cheek. “What a lovely surprise proposal. May I see the ring?”

  Grace beamed as Sophie held her left hand up, showing off the sparkly diamond. “It was my mother’s, but it fits her so well.”

  Sophie radiated happiness as she looked to Delanie. “Did you know?”

  “Nope.” Delanie forced a larger smile. “Aiden did his part in keeping the secret.”

  King returned Delanie’s smile, but his gaze searched the room. “Did he get a call or something?”

  Delanie resisted looking toward the door as she accepted a glass of champagne from a server. Had Aiden gotten rid of Gerard? “He had
to step outside for a second. He’ll be back soon.”


  AIDEN BLOCKED GERARD’S path. “You need to leave.”

  “I have every right to be here.”

  “No, you don’t. You weren’t invited.”

  Gerard glanced over Aiden’s shoulder. “Your mother’s here. I need to speak to her.” He stepped forward.

  Aiden once again blocked his path. “Don’t. If you really want the best for everyone, you’ll leave. Now.”

  “I came to wish my son a happy birthday, and it appears I should also wish him well on his engagement and meet my future daughter-in-law.” His mouth quirked into a half smile. “She must be quite the woman if he’s finally taking the plunge.”

  The last thing Sophie, their mother, or King needed was exposure to their father. He’d taint the happy occasion. Aiden nodded and smiled to the host and server who were staring, obviously curious about what was happening. Turning back to Gerard, he lowered his voice to a fierce whisper. “If you really want them to enjoy the day, you’ll leave. No one wants you here.”

  Gerard looked him in the eye. “Like it or not, I’m still your father. You don’t tell me what to do. I have a gift for King and I’m going to give it to him.”

  “No. You’re not. Again, if they wanted you here, they would have sent you an invitation.”

  Gerard went to pull away.

  Aiden gripped his father’s arm and leaned in. “Dad, you can walk out of here with dignity or I can drag you out. Take your pick.”

  As Gerard squinted across the room he massaged his left arm. Up close he was flushed and strangely pale at the same time. “Fine. I’m not feeling that great anyway. I should go home.” He turned and stalked out the door.

  Aiden followed him. Hopefully, by the time anyone mentioned seeing their father, Gerard would already be gone. A question nagged in Aiden’s mind. “How did you know about the engagement?”