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The Cowboy's Claim Page 8
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Page 8
The woman didn’t work for Tillbridge, but she trained a few clients who boarded their horses there. Earlier, she’d been in the arena before them instructing a young girl who was riding a sleek black horse. When she’d asked him about the saddle the girl used, he’d said it was an English saddle. It was smaller, lighter and allowed the rider more contact with the horses. Something that was critical for events like show jumping.
In her opinion, it didn’t look as sturdy as the larger, heavier Western saddle Blake had used on Thunder. The stirrups were also bigger and there was that horn part to hold on to. Not that it had helped her the last time she was on a horse.
But no worries about any of that. The character she hoped to play just worked at the stable. According to the notes that came with the script, she was more of a sidekick character that cheered the hero on and, of course, was secretly in love with him.
Even though the script didn’t call for her to ride a horse, maybe she should at least sit on one with Blake or Adam holding on to it. She might feel comfortable doing that, but a trail ride—that was entirely unnecessary.
“She’s a real gentle horse...”
That’s what Blake had said about Moonlight Joy, but so had the last person she’d trusted to put her on a horse, and that one had made a run for it with her on its back.
But despite that bad memory, she’d done okay so far. On her first day with Adam, he’d had her feed the horses snacks as he introduced her to them.
She’d been terrified, but she’d pulled up her big-girl panties and handed out apple slices, carrots and hay cubes with a smile on the outside while screaming “get me out of here” on the inside.
Moonlight Joy actually had been the gentlest of all the horses as she’d eaten the apple slice from her hand. The only horse that hadn’t been all that people friendly was Thunder. He’d given her massive stink eye and refused the treat. But she’d survived that immersion experience, hadn’t she? In fact, she could even act out a moment like that on film if she had to and appear natural doing it.
The trainer gave Chloe a friendly smile as she walked out of the tack room and went into the main part of the stable.
Blake came out and went to Chloe. “I’m going to the supply room to get some tail and mane detangler. We’re going to groom Thunder first, and then we’ve got saddles to clean. While I’m gone, you can set up the grooming tools.” He tipped his head toward where Thunder waited.
He was leaving her alone with the orneriest horse at the stable? Chloe backed up. “I don’t mind getting the detangler. Third shelf down in the middle, right?”
“Right.” He snagged her by the arm as she went to rush away. “But you already learned about feed and supplies when you were with Adam. Now it’s time for you to move on to other things like grooming. Adam said he talked you through which tools to use in the right order. Let’s see if you remember what he taught you. While I’m gone, you can set them up.”
Long seconds later after Blake left, Chloe still stood outside the grooming stall.
Every neigh, whinny and clomp of horse hooves in the stable seemed magnified.
She willed herself not to run and forced herself to breathe. Don’t. Freak. Out.
“You can do this,” she whispered to herself. “Thunder is calm, and Blake is coming right back.”
She took slow tentative steps into the stall with Thunder. “Hey there. It’s me. Your good friend, Chloe.”
Apparently, they were still on glaring terms because he just stood there, watching as she scooted to the narrow shelf attached to the sidewall with the tool caddy sitting on top of it.
She focused on the tools. “So. The way I see it, this whole grooming thing is like a mini spa moment for you. First, a manicure for your hooves. Or is it more like a pedicure?” As she picked up the hoof pick, she couldn’t help but notice her own short, unpolished nails. An appointment with her manicurist was first on her agenda when she got home.
Chloe laid down the implement with a curved metal end and a brush. They’d use it to clear away any rocks or debris from Thunder’s hooves. “What’s next?”
Thunder fidgeted in place.
A slight frisson of unease moved down her spine. “You know, if you help me out, there could be an apple slice in your future.”
Thunder shuffled closer to her. Prickles came over Chloe as if her skin and the stall were growing too small. “Okay.” Her hands trembled slightly as she picked up one of the brushes. “I think this one is next.”
Thunder shook his whole body from head to tail and snorted.
According to her translation of horse speak, that clearly meant he wanted her to leave. Message received.
Clutching the brush, Chloe rushed out just as heavy, booted footfalls approached the stall. Assuming it was Blake, she forced a breezy laugh. “Back already. I’m not done with my test.”
“What test?” Tristan stood beside her instead of Blake.
Her heart flip-flopped harder and she almost threw her arms around him. She could use a hug, but then he’d wonder what was wrong with her, and she’d have to explain. Not to mention, their kiss had sealed their unspoken hands-off agreement.
So act natural and don’t make things weird. “Oh, I thought you were Adam. I mean Blake. I was with Adam yesterday, but you knew that.” As she waved her hand from side to side emphasizing her point, she accidentally swatted the tip of her nose. “Insects, dust...it’s everywhere, but you knew that, too.” A random high-pitched laugh escaped. Great. She was an actress but she couldn’t even act natural around him.
Tristan’s gaze narrowed as he pointed at her face. “You have a scratch.”
“Where?” Had she dinged herself in the nose? He probably saw her as not only awkward but clumsy. The ground just needed to open up and swallow her already.
He took her free hand that was still near her face and lowered it. As he peered down at the thin red welt on the back of it, he brushed his thumb over her knuckles.
Electric-like tingles spread from where he stroked near the scratch, careful to soothe and not cause her pain. She should have taken her hand from his, but the way he caressed her skin made her stand still for more.
Their gazes met and she barely breathed.
Tristan tightened his grasp on her and she drew air into her lungs. His wonderful scent wafted from the open V at the top of his button-down navy shirt that formed to his shoulders and chest. It drew her in and pulled her back. She definitely didn’t smell or look as good as he did. His shirt and jeans where not only cleaned but neatly pressed, probably for the meeting he’d attended that morning.
She eased her hand from his. “It’s nothing. I’m fine.”
“You should still put antiseptic and a Band-Aid on it. If you’re not careful, something as simple as this can easily turn into a problem.”
“I’ll do that after I finish my test.”
“On what?”
“I’m supposed to line up the grooming tools we’re going to use on Thunder. If I don’t get it right, Blake will probably make me muck all of the stalls by myself.”
“He’s that hard-core, huh?”
“Absolutely. Apparently, he’s got a tough boss looking over his shoulder, making sure I learn the proper way to do things.”
Tristan glanced around, leaned in and spoke in a conspiratorial whisper. “If you want some help, I won’t tell. If you don’t.”
The mischief in his eyes was a refreshing change from his usual seriousness and hard to resist without smiling at him. She handed him the brush. “My lips are sealed.”
They crossed the threshold, and Tristan scratched Thunder’s neck. “Hey, buddy.”
“His Orneriness” morphed into sappy mush, whinnying softly as he butted Tristan’s shoulder.
Seriously? Chloe stood behind Tristan and gave Thunder a long stare. No apples for you, buddy.
Tristan went to the shelf and she joined him, handing him the brush in her hand.
He took what she recognized as a currycomb from the caddy. “I was actually looking for you. I wanted to ask you about this coming Saturday.”
Saturday? Was he about to ask her out? No. Maybe he just wanted a dart game rematch. The possibilities along with her responses to them battled in her mind as she gave him her best passive but interested expression. “Oh? About what?”
“You’re scheduled to shadow Adam this weekend, but Gloria just reminded me we have a kid’s party scheduled at the stable this Saturday. You may want to sit this weekend out.”
The kid’s party. Of course he hadn’t planned on asking her on a date. “I heard the staff talking about it. Actually, it sounds fun.”
“Fun?” His brow raised. “You say that now, but when you’re corralling hyper kids fueled by a massive sugar rush, you may wish you were mucking out stalls instead.”
“It won’t be that bad.”
“You’d be surprised at the things they can get themselves into.”
“I can handle it. Especially since there’s going to be cake. Rina is making it along with a smaller one for the staff. Oh, but you wouldn’t be interested that. It’s chocolate not lemon.”
“Sometimes, different is good.” The low timbre of his voice prompted her to glance at him.
Was he talking about the cake?
Their shoulders brushed as she handed him the tools from the caddy and he arranged them. A small wave of giddiness hit. Had she moved closer, or had he?
“That’s it.” He gave her a slow, easy smile. “Add the sponges and cloths to the order and you’re done, and don’t forget. This is our little secret.”
She crossed her heart.
He grinned as he headed out. “Oh, and use bananas.”
“For what?”
He pointed to Thunder. “If you want to get on his good side, give him a few banana slices every now and then. He’ll be your friend for life.”
Blake walked into the stall carrying the bottle of detangler. He looked from Chloe to Tristan. “Hey, boss. Everything okay?”
“Everything is great.” Tristan clapped Blake on the back. “Keep up the good work.”
Blake gave him a nod. “Thanks.”
The brunette trainer stopped Tristan just outside the stall to look over a paper.
Blake set the detangler next to the caddie. He smiled. “You did it right.”
Chloe glanced at Tristan.
He winked at her. His grin was infectious.
Chloe smiled and winked back, but Blake caught her doing it. Faking annoyance, she blinked rapidly and swiped over her lashes, fighting not to laugh. “Crap, I got dust in my eye.”
Chapter Thirteen
On Saturday, as Tristan walked up the wide dirt path from the stable, he briefly lifted the brim of his navy Tillbridge ball cap, and swiped sweat from his brow. Just like he’d predicted, the day was more hectic than usual with the general tasks of the stable plus the party.
Earlier that morning, the group, consisting of a dozen ten-year-olds had received a talk on horses and how they should conduct themselves around them. Afterward, the boys, who were on the same soccer team, had gone to the arena for mini riding lessons, taking their turns with Blake, another groom or a trainer leading each boy on a horse around the ring.
Up ahead, Chloe, who’d helped out with orientation and now with the lessons, collected black riding helmets and gloves from the last four riders and put them in nylon sacks.
She was doing surprisingly well around the horses. Honestly, he’d expected her to run from the task he’d had Adam assign her on her first day—give the horses treats—but she’d done it, and taken on every task so far despite her unease.
The other day, when he’d found her outside the grooming stall, she hadn’t fooled him for a minute with her claim that she thought he was Blake coming to check on how she was doing with her test. He’d spotted the fear in her eyes. Admittedly, Thunder wasn’t the friendliest horse, but she’d gotten past that and helped Blake groom him. The only thing she hadn’t done, yet, was ride a horse. Maybe assisting at the party, and seeing the kids’ eagerness to ride, might inspire her to want to get on one, too.
Near the entrance to the arena, Chloe traded fist bumps and high fives with the boys. “Good job.”
One of the boys, head down, shoulders slumped, left her hanging. In an empathetic gesture, she patted his shoulder.
“Okay, guys.” Blake called out. “Remember what we said about making sure you stay hydrated? Head over to the van for cold drinks and a pit stop.”
Most of the boys raced down the path toward Tristan. Two of the fathers, acting as chaperones, rounded up stragglers. The dejected boy lingered around a man preoccupied with talking on his cell who had the same close-cut dark hair and naturally light tan skin. Lean and already taller than most of the other boys, he’d most likely reach his father’s height, possibly even exceed it.
They walked past, and it took a second for Tristan to make the connection that the man was the one who’d stopped by the office three weeks ago and signed the party contract with Gloria. His name was Sam Harrold and his son, the boy whose birthday was being celebrated, was E.J. But from the sad look in E.J.’s eyes, it wasn’t much of a celebration for him. All he wanted was his father’s attention.
“Hey, Tristan.”
Chloe waved at him and his heart thumped. Meeting with Philippa at the guesthouse was next on his schedule, but ever since his kiss with Chloe, the push and pull that he’d felt around her from the start had heightened to a distinct pull. Just knowing she was around made him want to see her. Hell, he’d even found himself coming up with multiple excuses to find her but had rationed his contact with her to once a day. But it wasn’t enough. Just like the kiss they’d shared.
That night at the restaurant, when she’d mentioned it, he’d half heard her claims about moving on and getting it out of the way. His own reasoning about it didn’t come with any justifications. He’d just wanted to kiss her. Afterward, he’d said he was all good, but the warmth of her mouth, the way she’d tasted of lime from her drink and had fit so perfectly against him, had taken up permanent residence in his mind.
As he met Chloe partway down the path, Blake, leading the horses back to the stable with the trainer, gave him a nod. Curiosity also passed through his expression as he briefly glanced from Tristan to Chloe.
Tristan brushed it aside. Checking in with her was part of the management responsibilities Zurie had assigned him.
Chloe smiled at him. With her hair pulled back in a braid, and her face devoid of makeup, she had a natural glow. “You missed the fun.”
“I did, huh?” The urge to take her hand was strong, but he took one of the bags from her instead. “How’s the party going?”
“Good, I think. No bruises, blood or missing children.”
“Yet. You still have time to sneak out?”
“And miss the hayride to the pasture and the cookout?”
“Don’t you mean the cake?”
She laughed. “Yeah that, too, but honestly, I can’t help but smile watching this group enjoying themselves.”
Using her hand to shade her eyes from the late-morning sun, she peered to the right at the boys now in the seating area a short distance from the stable.
“You don’t have a hat?”
“Gloria gave me one, but I forgot it.”
It felt more than right to offer her his. He took it off but paused before setting it on her head. What if she didn’t want to wear it?
Chloe set down the bag and took the hat from his hands. “Thanks. You’re a lifesaver. Are you sure you don’t mind?”
A hint of pride swelled in his chest as she put it on. It looked better on her than it did on him. “Not at all.”
Animated voices and cheers came from the group.
She picked up the bag from the ground and slipped the other one from his hand. “I need to put these away before we leave. I scored a front seat in the tractor on the way to the hayride. I don’t want to lose my spot. Sure you don’t want to tag along for the cookout?”
“I can’t. I have a meeting with Philippa to finalize plans for the Spring Fling. After that, I’m heading to Baltimore to have dinner with a friend.”
“Oh.” Her smile dimmed a little. “That sounds fun.”
“Yeah, it will be. I haven’t seen him in a while.” For some reason he felt the need to explain more. He wasn’t going on a date. “He was a pro bull rider. He wants to talk about a horse he’s planning to sell.”
“That sounds nice.” Her wide smile returned. “The Spring Fling, it’s this coming Wednesday, isn’t it? I’m glad you said that. When Rina dropped off the cake earlier, she told me to call her today or tomorrow. Something about party favors? Do you know what that means?”
“No idea, but knowing her, it involves cocktails.”
“Ooh, I like the sound of that.”
Rina wanting to get to know Chloe better on a personal level meant Rina liked her. She didn’t hang out with people she didn’t. “I won’t hold you up then. You can give me the hat back later.”
“Maybe.” As Chloe walked away with the bags, she gave him a playful smile as she adjusted the visor. “I kinda like how it fits.”
He did too.
Chapter Fourteen
Chloe waved goodbye to the group from the parking lot at the stable as the boys and their fathers drove away in two SUVs on the adjacent road. After a hayride to an area near a vacant pasture for burgers, hot dogs, cake and games, the party had come to an end.
E.J. waited in the front passenger seat of a black four-door luxury car parked in the lot while his father, talking on his cell, stood nearby. She didn’t have to see the boy’s face to know he had a sullen expression. He’d worn it the entire day.